La ruche et Les Tournesols | Ugo SCHILDGE Plâtre, argile, carton nid d'abeille, bois et vernis2018190 x 130 cm Previous Les Frères avec Abeilles | Ugo SCHILDGE Next Après la Nuit, Avant le Jour | Tess DUMON Other Artworks Basile BOONThe meadow Basile BOONThe River God (Mural) Basile BOONThe River God Basile BOONEyes Basile BOONTemple Basile BOONThe Big Kids Basile BOONThe fall of the Minotaur, Félicité and the Ribambelle Basile BOONDionysos Basile BOONCybeles Basile BOONStop, Look Up, Continue Basile BOONLes amants du temple – Lion Basile BOONThe sky upside down Basile BOONThe meadow Basile BOONThe River God (Mural) Basile BOONThe River God Basile BOONEyes Basile BOONTemple Basile BOONThe Big Kids Basile BOONThe fall of the Minotaur, Félicité and the Ribambelle Basile BOONDionysos Basile BOONCybeles Basile BOONStop, Look Up, Continue Basile BOONLes amants du temple – Lion Basile BOONThe sky upside down